Sunday, August 1, 2010

Saying Lots of New Things

For any of you that have actually met Marissa you know that her vocabulary is small (what she's willing to share anyway), she hardly never speaks spontaneously, and sometimes it is hard to understand her. That is until recently. I have now realized that every word I speak goes into her brain and she saves it to use at the most convenient time for her.

An example of this is when she was refusing to listen to me when asking her to clean up her books. I ask her why will she not help, and she says "I'm old". Really? This is the best you got. Or as I am trying to get dressed after putting on several outfits, finally found one that I thinks is okay and she replies "your going to wear that!". Then she proceeds to say "nooooo mommy". I think this is more of her obsessive trait then actually my outfit. Oh, well.

In any case, she is finally using "her words" or maybe they are just mine- on replay.

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