Parenting a special needs child is like the weather. One minute the sky is clear blue and the next it is a severe thunderstorm. No warning no "beep, beep" from the TV. Its just here. Tonight, this is what happened.
I try to ignore, she comes in the living room, says "mommy" and then proceeds to bang her head on the wall. She cries. I give no response. She moves over the chair, climbs in and says "mommy" and then proceeds to knock off the pictures off the end table. We move into her bedroom, as I say its time to go to bed. She then hollers, "Dora pajamas", I get them out, she then begins to hit her legs and head, because there not the right Dora pajamas. Do I need to say more? It lasted for over 15 minutes. I was defeated. I came out to the kitchen and stared out the window, this is it, the storm has passed. Now the sky's are just cloudy and I am feeling a little blue.